From Zero to Hero - Part 2
Subframe/Suspension & Brakes:
As part of the deal when buying the car, there was an FCS Race Tubular Front Subframe and lower control arms, KS-Tuned Lightweight front drag brake package, KS-Tuned trailing arms, and a few other goodies that needed to be put on. In fact the EG had 10 boxes accompanying the rolling body, basically it was leggo on steroids with no instructions.
After getting the car back from paint, the mission was on to get this car running and driving for Grudge Wars 2024. We had a wiring loom and had to do some pin out changes and testing. Configuring the Fueltech wasn't too bad, taking some patience and a couple of calls to their awesome support team. Did you know we are approved agents for Fueltech.
Finished Product
After several, several months of wiring, bodywork/roll cage, suspension, wheels/tires, dabbling with the engine, cutting and making the Lexan windows, and so much more, it is finally done.( well good enough to get to the display)
For those with a discerning eye , you would see a list of to do. Now its back to the shed at night, beavering away on that list. We will keep you posted......
We are car guys doing car stuff, and we love it. We are here for the long haul building a community of car enthusiasts and builders. If you need help, come see us.