TracTuff K20Z3/ K24A Water Bypass Adapter
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The OG water bypass adapter! Imitated but not duplicated. Still the best looking, best fitting (leak free!), and now the least expensive!
This bypass allows RAA, RBB, RBC, and RSP cylinder head owners to run the more popular aftermarket intake manifold options that were designed for the earlier PRB/ PRC flange. The PRB/ PRC style manifolds do not have an integrated coolant passage so the coolant bypass hole is left open when used together. Even if you don't plan on running a PRB/ PRC style manifold there are plenty of benefits that make this product a smart purchase! Benefits such as a reduction of intake manifold temps by eliminating the heat transfer/ heat soak associated with hot coolant running through the manifold. By simply modifying the manifolds flange (cutting off coolant portion) and running this adapter the coolant is kept away from the manifold completely, just like what you would find on the earlier PRB/ PRC heads.
NOW your thermal IM gasket will really work! Not to mention, the additional benefit of no longer having to drain the coolant when removing the intake manifold for maintenance or swaps! It makes that job a real SNAP.